The re:artiste art organization announces the 2016 “Show Your World” International Art Competition, for artists of various media, worldwide.
“Show Your World” is about your vision of the world and life. Whether you are a professional artist or an amateur, your vision does matter! We live on a planet with a lot of diversity. Show the significant and the invisible, the urban and the remote, humanity or wildlife. The whole world is curious about your interpretation of it through the prism of your art. Show what matters to you!
Take your chance to exhibit your art in New York City. The Winner and 20 Finalists will display original work at the “Show Your World” exhibition at Gallery MC, New York. Artworks of all selected participants will be featured on a digital display during the show in Fall 2016.
The Winner and the Finalists will be featured on the re:artiste website, all social media accounts, newsletters and Press Release sent directly to the art related publications and channels.
In addition, the Winner is invited to stay in New York City for the Opening event of the Exhibition “Show Your World” — the accommodation is provided and paid by the re:artiste international art organization.
Artists from 43 countries took part in the first “Show Your World” international art competition, in 2015.
Show Your World 2016 International Art Competition Entry Fees
The entry fee is $35 for the first five images and $10 for every additional image.
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