Castle to Cathedral to Cashmere Writing Competition

The story of Elgin’s past 1,000 years is now being developed into an exciting visitor experience through the Castle to Cathedral to Cashmere heritage initiative due to be completed by the winter of 2016 and which invites
visitors to walk through Elgin’s historic streets and discover its rich history while accessing information onsite and online through an exciting variety of approaches. There will also be an interactive website for virtual visitors. In short, the mission is to make Elgin a compelling city, giving visitors an unforgettable sense of place. A key part of this initiative is to present and promote Elgin as a compelling experience through a collection of short stories.
Entrants may submit a previously unpublished short story of no more than 3,000 words set in Elgin and the surrounding area during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
The Rotary Club of Elgin
First place: £350
Second place £150
31st May 2016 (Midnight)
  • Manuscripts will only be accepted in electronic form. Submission packs must contain 2 separate documents: the manuscript; and an entry form. All documents require to be double spaced in Word and each page numbered in sequential order.
  • Manuscripts must not contain the name of the author. The name of the author should only appear on the entry form.
  • The closing date for entries is Midnight 31st May 2016.
  • All submissions should be made to and must adhere to the setting of Elgin and area during the eighteenth and/or nineteenth century.
  • The winners will be announced at the Spirit of Moray Book Festival, 13-17 September 2016.
  • The entry must be a short story, in English, an original work of fiction, previously unpublished, and not more than 3,000 words.
  • Only one manuscript per entrant and authors must be living at the time.
  • The Castle to Cathedral to Cashmere Writing Competition aims to encourage good writing and judges are looking for a good quality manuscript in terms of style and content.
  • Entrants must keep a copy of their manuscript as manuscripts will not be returned.
  • In the unlikely event that no entry meets the judges’ satisfaction, prizes may be withheld.
  • The judges’ decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into.
  • Entrants will be required to co-operate in publicity activities related to the prizes and selected short stories.
  • The winning entrant and other entrants selected for any final short-list may receive the offer of publication from a publisher, although no guarantee is given. Entrants must be willing to have their script published, subject to reasonable financial arrangements and the terms and conditions of the Society of Authors will apply.
  • The winning entrants will receive their prize monies after the awards ceremony in September 2016.
  • While copyright will remain with the author, the Castle to Cathedral to Cashmere Heritage Experience will reserve permission to include the publications within its website and its other printed and electronic material
  • Click here to download the guidance notes.
  • Click here for a summary ofElgin’s Compelling Historyand the Entry Form.
For more information please email