Peace Essay Contest 2016

The West Suburban Faith-Based Peace Coalition is once again sponsoring a Peace Essay Contest with a $1,000.00 award to the winner, $300 for the runner-up, and $100 for third place. As
in the previous year’s contest, essays will have to be directed to a person who can help promote knowledge of the Kellogg-Briand Pact (KBP) and, from whom a response is expected. Essays will be judged not only on the quality of the essay but on the impact of the response. Everyone is eligible to participate; there are no restrictions regarding age or country of residence.
How Can We Obey the Law Against War?
West Suburban Faith-based Peace Coalition
First place: $1,000
Second place: $300
Third place: $100
April 15, 2016
  • Participants are required to take the following 3 steps:
  • To enter the contest send a Peace Essay Request email to coordinator Frank Goetz
  • Provide your Name, Mailing Address, Email Address, Phone Number, and, if under 19, Age.
  • Also, provide the Name and Position of the person or persons to whom the Essay will be directed. Your application acceptance as a contest participant will be acknowledged in an email containing your assigned 4-digit Essay Number. [If information is missing or confusing, you will be contacted by email or phone]
  • In 800 words or less write your essay on: How Can We Obey the Law Against War? As soon as possible but at least by April 15, 2016 send the essay to the person named in your application and a copy to with your Essay Number in the Subject line.
  • By May 15, 2016 send Essay Response documentation to with your Essay Number in the Subject line.
  • Some examples of impact:
  1. The President agrees to explain the limitations placed on the government by KBP.
  2. A member of congress supports a resolution to make August 27 a Day of Reflection.
  3. The ACT or SAT administration agrees to include questions regarding KBP.
  4. A newspaper includes a KBP story.
  5. A school board revises its curriculum to expand KBP studies.
  6. A religious leader calls for nonviolent actions.
Act now: We may have to limit the number of contestants and it takes time to get responses. We will announce the Winners at a festive event honoring the 88th Anniversary of the Kellogg-Briand Pact on August 27, 2016.
Contact frankgoetz@comcast.netfor your inquiries.
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