Sixteen-year-old wins online contest — living with a porn star for one month

A 16-year-old Moscow teen has apparently won a month in a hotel with a Russian porn star, though many online doubt the veracity of the contest.

Russian porn star Ekaterina Makarova announced the teen, Ruslan Shchedrin, was the 100,000th visitor on an online gaming site — the winner of a contest in which she offered herself as the grand prize.
“She’s got a good figure,” Shchedrin told Russian media this week. “I am looking forward to our meeting. I’m boiling inside.”
Since the contest results became public, however, reports have indicated that Shchedrin is, in fact, a child actor, casting the results of the contest in doubt. Also casting the results of the contest in doubt is every other aspect of the story.
Makarova said the boy could choose to live at home for the month and they could just visit, going to occasional movies and dinners, but that was up to him. Sex wasn’t necessarily part of the deal. But if it happens, “life is life,” she shrugged.
“Typically, these inexperienced guys are looking for less experienced partners … At least we’ll be friends,” she said, adding she’s seen the boy’s photo and is looking forward to meeting him.