Corruption by george o. Debo daybor

You heard us shouting,
Yet, you couldn’t whisper.

Why do your people lack,
In the midst of abundance?

We have reported you to our ancestors,
Of the way you have treated their descendants.

Why do you subtract,
When you needed to add.

You turned our country into a lab,
You have destroyed our chemistry.

Why are there no answers?
To our important questions?

Our soul got you sued,
You won’t miss imprisonment.

Why do you make us buy?
What is not for sale?

You made us borrow,
What we have lend.

Why do you destroy?
What we have built?

Your cup is full,
Yet you drank from our emptiness.

Why do you tell us to go?
When you saw us coming?

You made our country boring,
And the economic of your pocket interesting.

Why do you tell us to see your absences?
Even when you were presence.

Our rights have been arrested,
While corruption received amnesty.

Why do you remind us about our ugly past?
Instead of painting a bright future.

Our hope have been divorced,
Our future is still single.

Why is your snail tweeting?
And our bird mute?

Remember, one day you will pay,
The world’s greatest debt.

Why do you tell us to get a blushing cream,
When we said all what you do wasnt fair?

Our wealth got you pregnant,
We demand an abortion.

Our fears are stupid,
Our nation is clever.

We don’t mind whatever has been taken by the flood,
We will fight for good till the last drop of our blood.
I wrote “Anti-corruption” because I am highly disappointed at most of our leaders in different sectors from the local to federal level,
Corruption keeps eating our economic like food yet the “food is ready” sign has never been removed.
There is so much oppression and tension in the country mostly on the poor and helpless people, Our people work very hard everyday and have nothing to show for it, there is something called “standard of living”, is it increasing or reducing? Yet, our ministers  and government officials can easily come out to increase fuel price, electricity bills, tax etc. sometime i wonder if the government dont know, if fuel and electricity bill increases, It affects almost everything in the country like food, transportation, workers salaries and so on, so many nigerians die of hunger everyday, government just make policies Without considering the standard of living of the people, The question is how much do an average nigerian earn monthly ?, are pensioneers been paid?, are civil servants been paid?, do we have water supply and good roads?, yet, senate members received range rovers, ministers and government officials keeps receiving fat envilopes monthly.
Sometimes I hear people say don’t blame the government, that’s the problem we have in this country, why won’t they “Eat their cake and have it” Do you know how many people who cook with anointing oil because they cant afford to buy groundnut oil? Do you know how many people who eat white rice and palm oil because they cant afford tomato and pepper? Do you know how many people who stay hungry and call it fast?
Its cystal clear is all “Black board and white chalk” its plan work.
Tell me how billions of naira given to the ex-minister of sport disappered? or why do you think nigeria is not preparing for the olympic games, little by little we are getting disqualify in different sports in the olympics games.
Let me not talk about unfinished constructions and project in different locations, or is it the amount of helpless people boko haram kill regularly. president buhari said “corruption is responsible for the military inability to fight boko-haram”.
“We need to be patient” yet people keep dying like “bushmeat” everyday, The government keep increasing everything, while workers remain unpaid, so how do you want the people to pay for all this things, or don’t you think is creating tension for the humble Nigerians to go into crime?
The solution I see in Nigeria is for us to produce more in the country, but is our environment encouraging that, youths are been encouraged to become self employed which is very good,but we import every single thing including tooth-pick, Do you now see the problem we have, how do you want those entrepreneurs to grow, individuals are begging the government to ban the importation of  some goods, in order to promote and encourage the growth of our locally made products, but it seems our government are putting on ” beat by dre”, we still import tomato’s, when we are blessed with billions, why can’t the government allow private individuals to invest into some huge projects, but all because of selfishness and greed, in order to gain extra benefits they get “blind-folded”.
So many businesses close-down monthly while others run to ghana, yet the only way forward they see is to borrow money and create debts for our innocent unborn generation, the last reserve nigeria had  was during olusegun obasanjo’s regume meaning obasanjo saved money for the future, so what happened to all those dollars, Our government cant feel the pain the people go through since they earn fat salaries, drive expensive cars, travel out of the country for medical check-ups, eat good food and leave their citizens salaries unpaid, yet they easily increase everything, the same people will treat humans like paper, few weeks ago, i was passing through ikeja home, suddenly soilders started beating innocent citizens to move their cars aside because a top government official is passing, this happens all the time, is it written any where in the constitution that any government official has the right to tell citizens to move their cars away from the road? that is really bad, it is very important we do the right thing.
They always say “The government can’t do it alone, we need your help” Nigerians are willing to help, but is the government ready to accept?,
We have so many rich people in this country who are willing to assist the government but greed and selfishness keeps driving our leaders like ” cars without brike”, few months back an individual wanted to construct the road in my area with his own money because it was looking really bad, the local government said he should pay a particular amount of money to them before he can start because they gain extra funds if the money comes directly from the state government, it was like “film trick” to me, but thats what is really going on.
What about our refinaries? which day are they going to be repaired?  we keep given out much, always recieving little, crude oil is made up of so many components, but what do we get back in return? “Crude oil is like cow, no part is useless, the skin can serve has leather, even the popular “pomo” we eat”, it simply means “we have crude oil, They have sense”.
Apart from crude oil, we have so many mineral resourses which have been taken with power by our past leaders and abandoned,
According to NEITI’s audit findings, solid mineral deposits are scattered all over Nigeria, with more deposits in certain areas than others. Over 40 million tonnes of talc deposits have been identified in Niger, Osun, Kogi, Ogun and Kaduna states. There are huge deposits of coal ranging from bituminous to lignite in the Anambra Basin of South-Eastern Nigeria. There are lead-zinc ores within the Asaba Area of Niger Delta, while tin, niobium, and lead, are to be found around Oyo and Igbeti, with as much as over a billion tonnes of gypsum spread around Sokoto, Niger, Ondo and Ekiti states. Nigeria’s potentially most beneficial solid minerals are spread around the nation but most of them are in the North. Limestone deposits occur in Cross River, Ogun, Benue, Gombe, Ebonyi, Sokoto, Edo and Kogi states; magnesite in Adamawa and Kebbi states; coal in Enugu, Imo, Kogi, Delta, Plateau, Anambra, Abia, Benue, Edo, Ondo, Bauchi, Adamawa and Kwara states; wolframite in Kano, Kaduna, Bauchi and Niger states; silver is found only in Kano, with kyanite in Kaduna and Niger states; manganese only in the Northern states of Kebbi, Katsina and Zamfara with diatomite found only in Yobe State, while ilmenite-rutile is only in Bauchi, Plateau and Kaduna states; fluorite only in Taraba State with gold in Niger, Kebbi, Kaduna, Kogi, Kwara and Zamfara and a little in Osun. Nasarawa State in the North has been appropriately tagged as Nigeria’s home of Solid Minerals. The state is one of the most naturally endowed states in Nigeria in terms of the availability of economically and commercially viable natural resources. These include clay, columbite, ilmenite, mica, barytes, pyrite, galena, limestone, sodium chloride, ephalerite, silica sand, granites, tantalite, mica, sphalerite, talc, gemstone (tourmaline, aquamarine and sapphire), halcopyrite, topaz, cassiterite, columbite, tantalite, emerald, heliodor, amethyst, quartz, coking coal, marble, and iron ore. Bauchi is another richly endowed state in the North with metal ores, non-metallic ores and gemstones. Other untapped mineral resources in Bauchi include kaolin,talc,tin,quartz,iron ore, gypsum, zircon, calcite, tantalite, chalcoprite, mica, copper ore, limestone, tourmaline, beryl, garnet, columbite, muscovite, aquamarine, topaz, marble, bismuth, wolfromite and others. Yet with these potential money spinning resources, states in the country are starved of funds and are currently facing a cash crunch. Nigeria as a nation is passing through economic hardship as a result of fall in oil prices. The low activity in the solid mineral sector is not yielding the desired financial benefit as there are no records of payment of taxes and royalty to the government. Nigeria is losing lots of resources from untapped mineral deposit as well as from the little that is being mined mostly by illegal miners who smuggle the products out of the country. According to NEITI audit report on solid mineral operation in Nigeria, there are six buying center, nine dredging companies, eleven exporters of solid minerals, fourteen medium scale mining companies, thirty-five commercial quarry, fifty-four construction quarry, eight quarry for manufacturing giving a total of one hundred and thirty-seven activities in the solid mineral sector of the Nigerian economy. Report on the Physical and Process Flows in Nigeria Solid Minerals Industry 2011 prepared by Haruna Yahaya & CO (Chartered Accountants) indicated that there are no adequate records of operations in the sector. The report said “A review of Central Bank of Nigeria and Nigeria Customs Service records on exported minerals showed that there were discrepancies in the value of exported minerals as well as the associated company. From available records of Central Bank of Nigeria, 15 companies exported 9,068.70 metric tonnes of minerals valued at N577, 768,456 while Nigeria Customs Service records showed that 30 companies exported 7,107,099.80 metric tonnes of minerals valued at N11,496,070,691. “Despite the fact that Gold and Barites were being mined across the nation, there is no record to show that these minerals are among the mined or exported minerals. Further finding shows that barites are mined in Benue and Nasarawa states, they are also purchased by multinational oil companies as drill fluids, despite high activities of miners there are no record of royalty payments.
Where are we going has a nation, little things that can grow the economic have been over-looked while we chase luxury that will take us no where.
I dont blame labour for the demand in increase of salaries, i think is reasonable since our senate and house of reps, can demand increase in salaries, after the fat envilopes they receive monthly, now you dont see any meaning to the increase in wages, to those people who build the economic, those people that can no-longer feed their families because food his too expensive, you expect them to come to work everyday, yet they are not paid.
If the country has no-money, some people wont be receiving range rovers, the price of one range rover is twenty five million, do you know how many people’s salary that amount can pay?
That’s why we need to rise has Nigerians, before anything will make you has an individual carry gun or commit crime, talk! Speak out! When you see people protesting, join!, it will go a long way, if you watch the news recently, you will observe increase in crime even by government workers because of the tension around but we don’t need all that, your opinion don’t only count during election, that’s why we need to stop selling the benefits of four years to indomie, bag of rice and little cash we gain during election, it is very important we know what is going on politically around us, some people will say “Don’t blame the government, but the people” Every citizen has he/her responsibility likewise the government, my primary responsibility has a citizen is to maintain peace/order among all men, am i to be blamed for unpaid salaries, increase in food, fuel, transportation, reduction in salaries, we should think before we talk, I don’t have any right to pass a bill, even when the bill is passed to the public, do our opinion really count? or do i have any right to ban importation of any product or am i the one collecting tax?, am not talking because i cant afford to eat three-square meal, buy fuel or buy what ever i want to buy, the only reason am talking is because higher percentage of the people can no-longer afford to feed their families, rapid increase in crime, Unpaid salaries, and is all because of corruption.
His “sweet-mouth” this people have, but we all know ” Driving a car with the mouth can never hit”, I believe we should all stand-up to fight corruption, President Buhari can’t do it alone.

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