You have to enjoy what you have so that you can be happier with more to come. If you don't enjoy what you have,how could you be happier with more to come? It is just a reverse scenario.

We all have alot to be thankful for. It doesn't matter where you live, wouldn't you rather be there than in the best hospital in your town? If you can't be satisfied with what you have reached, be thankful for what you have escaped. You have to be humble so you won't stumble.

Look around you, there are tons of things you should be thankful for: there's life, there's shelter, provisions, protections and so on. Before you begin to complain for what you don't have, thank God for what you already have. Before you begin to complain for the shoes you don't have, thank him for the legs you have. Before you complain for not having a bed to lay on, why don't you be thankful for having the ability to sleep.

The most highly satisfied life can be found in being thankful. Appreciating words are one of the world most powerful forces for good on the earth. Thankful words don't cost much, but they accomplish much. So, count your blessings, and be thankful.

Have a great day today. Stay safe and always Think Right!

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