Look around you,there are tons of problems everywhere, everyday. There is always something to fix. Are you a problem solver of a critic? The first rule of winning says 'don't beat
yourself' in anything you do. Did you notice that the biggest enemy is you? I have never met a man who gives me more trouble than me (Dwight Moody). Most of the important battle we face will first be waged within ourselves. No wonder Matthew told us that "with God all things are possible".

One important basic problem is that many people are busy doing nothing to solve problems. Another problem is that they build a case inside the problem for themselves, making it a double. Now you see, they are their own enemy. Whatever you do, make sure you're not putting water in your own boat, the storms of life will put enough in on their own.

I just discovered that we lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves. You cannot consistently perform in a manner that is inconsistent with the way you see yourself. Determine to multiply your commitment,  divide your distractions, subtract your excuses and add your faith. Do you know why? Because the first victory you must record is winning yourself. So, solve the problem.

...keep reading Success Pills by Praise George and be blessed. Enjoy the day in your best...God bless.

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